Beautiful Food
by Paolo Ventrone
on 23/01/2019
A look at how the food & drink sector could learn a few tricks from the beauty industry
A recent Mintel report titled “Global Food & Drink Trends 2019” highlighted ‘Healthy Ageing’ as one of the top business opportunities in 2019 which brands would do well not to ignore.
The report suggests that a much wider consumer group, not just the traditional ‘silver’ consumer (over 60yrs), is now actively looking for products which can not only aid a healthy and well balanced lifestyle, but also improve their chances of a longer and healthier lifespan.
Some new products to hit the shelves and soon to be arriving on our UK shores can claim to include vitamins and enzymes to support brain health, beneficial properties for joint and bone health, improve skin dryness and boost collagen levels thus slowing down the effects of wrinkles in older age!
Here’s a few examples given in the report;
Within the report, 18% of UK consumers would be interested in purchasing a sports drink if it supports bone health. Perhaps a new angle for Lucozade to consider then? Their ‘sport’ range of drinks claim “Lucozade Sport provides 32g of carbohydrates as well as electrolytes which together help enhance your hydration and maintain endurance performance.”^ A common message in their advertising in recent years. But what if their drinks could enhance bone health, with added calcium and vitamin D **
Could they enhance their products further for a changing market?
Another stat which is particularly interesting which many of us will have thought about at some point in our lives;
The Alzheimer’s website currently states that “there are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to over 1 million by 2025, soaring to 2 million by 2051.”+
Their website also suggests key factors in reducing your risk of dementia in later years, which you can read more on in the link below;
With such a large proportion of us concerned with our brain health in later years, big food brands and high street chains would do well to consider more direct and obvious links in their marketing campaigns. Offering small snippets of information beyond the “high in protein” or “high in fibre” would also help consumers to connect the dots. Why is fibre important? Why is it important to me? The beauty industry has always had a strong connection to this and has built on enhancing the aspirational nature of their products in return for long term loyalty. Perhaps a new approach the F&B market could consider.
The food and drink sector has built up a wide and varied discussion on general wellness in recent years. It’s time to take it up a notch…
** Source www.nhs.uk
^ Source www.lucozadesport.com
+ Source www.alzheimers.org.uk